How do I keep in touch?
Join our alumni online community, . You can view events, new job opportunities, find old classmates, make new connections and sign up to be a mentor. You can reach all of this in just a few taps via the or the . To be approved, you must be either an alumnus or student who has completed / is completing a research degree or an MSc, or alumni or students from either of these four short courses: Diploma in Tropical Nursing; Diploma in Tropical Medicine; Diploma in East African Tropical Medicine; or Certificate in Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacovigilance.
Give to the LSHTM Scholarship Fund
Every year, LSHTM donors, alumni and friends donate to help widen access to education through the provision of scholarships. Scholarships are transformational, have the capacity to change the lives of the students who receive them, and alleviate the financial burden of study for talented and motivated recipients.
alumni have volunteered to be mentors
alumni volunteered for our COVID-19 rapid support data project
alumni in 190 countries around the world